أرشيف الوسم: cooking

جربت اطبخ وصفات غريبة من تيك توك TIK TOK

جربت اطبخ وصفات غريبة من تيك توك TIK TOK

بطبخ وصفات غريببة من تيك توك TIK TOK
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طريقة عمل الحمام المحشى بخلطة رهيبة .. وكل الأسرار اللي تخلية أحلي من المطاعم😎..!

طريقة عمل الحمام المحشى بخلطة رهيبة .. وكل الأسرار اللي تخلية أحلي من المطاعم😎..!

“حشوة الحمام”

2 كوب رز مصري
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حبة بصل كبيرة
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سمنه / زبدة)
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How to Cook Healthy Food! 10 Breakfast Ideas, Lunch Ideas & Snacks for School, Work!

How to Cook Healthy Food! 10 Breakfast Ideas, Lunch Ideas & Snacks for School, Work!

10 Healthy Breakfast ideas and Lunch Ideas on how to cook that healthy food! In this quick and easy how to healthy breakfast ideas and healthy lunch ideas tutorial I show what I eat in a day for breakfast, snacks, and lunch. I show 5 healthy breakfast ideas, which you can also have for a healthy snack and 5 healthy lunch ideas, all perfect for back to school or work. In this healthy recipes video you learn how to cook healthy meals and snacks at home. From how to bake a bread at home to ice cream yogurt with fruit in a cone, everyone can cook these meals – perfect for teenagers, adults and healthy snacks for kids. Healthy eating is very important for your happy and healthy lifestyle. I show you what to eat to achieve that! This how to cook healthy food video is not about how to lose weight, but about healthy lifestyle.

The how to healthy food I show today is very easy and quick to prepare at home, nutritious and perfect to take with you on the go. Lately I have been much more careful about what I eat in a day – I try to eat healthy, nutritious and tasty food. if you want to know what to eat and how to cook it this breakfast, lunch and healthy snacks video is perfect for you. The healthy food can be prepared in advance and in the morning you can just grab it and take it to school or work.

For the how to healthy breakfast ideas I show you 5 different options. All of these are super quick to make, very nutritious and healthy. Banana oatmeal cookies for example require just two ingredients, two ripe bananas and oats. If you want more taste, you can add some cinnamon, chocolate chips, dried fruits. When you are running late for school, you can just grab a couple of these delicious cookies and you are out the door. Another healthy breakfast or snack idea is a delicious granola bar. Just mix the nuts, seeds and dried fruits of your choice plus add some rice syrup and almond butter. I also popped in some dark chocolate chips. These granola bars are so quick to make, healthy and delicious. Great for a breakfast or a healthy snack. If you love fruits, a fruit salad in a jar is a great option for your healthy breakfast. Just cut your favorite fruits in pieces and put it in a jar. Awesome breakfast on the go! Ice cream for breakfast? Well almost 🙂 Take an ice cream cone and fill it up with fruit of your choice, put a large table spoon of yogurt on, and top it off with more fruit. You can eat this on the way to school or work. Healthy and totally Instagram worthy. If you have some more time before your classes start you can make yourself pepper eggs and fruit kebabs. This breakfast is healthy, balanced and so pretty to look at.

For the diy healthy lunch ideas portion of the video I show you 5 healthy lunch recipes, perfect for back to school. You can prepare these lunches the day before and in the morning, you just take them with you to school or to work. Egg muffins with vegetables are the perfect example of a great lunch, which is tasty, nutritious and quick to make. All you need are some eggs, flour, a splash of milk and the veggies of your choice. Add some fresh or dried fruits and nuts into your lunch box for a tasty and balanced lunch. Other lunch options are tuna wraps, ham rolls, salad in a jar and homemade spelt bread sandwich. In this healthy what I eat in a day video I show you how to bake your own spelt bread from scratch. It is easier and quicker than you can imagine. Since I learned this recipe I have never bought bread again. I always bake it myself.

Eating healthy on the go is not easy. When we get hungry, we usually end up grabbing a slice of pizza or a chocolate bar from the vending machine. I hope this what I eat in a day video will inspire you to pay attention on the food you eat. What we consume affects our mood and health. Therefore it is important to eat nutritious and healthy food. In this 10 breakfast ideas and lunch ideas I show you that healthy food can be quick and easy to make, delicious and perfect to take to school and work.

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#Food #Breakfast #SaraBeautyCorner

Disclaimer: This family friendly video is made for teenagers and adults. Tools used in the tutorials include hot glue, crafting knife and other objects, which are not suitable for people under 13 years old.

#Cook #Healthy #Food #Breakfast #Ideas #Lunch #Ideas #Snacks #School #Work

Quick & Easy Recipes With Gordon Ramsay

Quick & Easy Recipes With Gordon Ramsay

While a lot of us are remaining indoors, here are a few quick, simple and cheap recipes to follow to learn.

#GordonRamsay #Cooking

Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Fit Food/Healthy, Lean and Fit –

If you liked this clip check out the rest of Gordon’s channels:

#Quick #Easy #Recipes #Gordon #Ramsay

Wenn Sie 2 Kartoffeln und 1 Ei haben. Kartoffeln so gemacht. Schnell und einfach Rezept

Wenn Sie 2 Kartoffeln und 1 Ei haben. Kartoffeln so gemacht. Schnell und einfach Rezept

Wenn Sie 2 Kartoffeln und 1 Ei haben. Kartoffeln so gemacht. Schnell und einfach. Ich wünschte, ich hätte das Rezept früher ausprobiert.

Rezept und Zutaten:
2 Kartoffeln (500 Gramm).
2 Prisen Salz.
1 Teelöffel Paprika.
Schwarzer Pfeffer.
2 Esslöffel Maisstärke.
1 Ei.
Ein Esslöffel Parmesankäse.

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حلو العيد #وصفات #cooking #recipe #اكل #food

حلو العيد #وصفات #cooking #recipe #اكل #food

#حلو #العيد #وصفات #cooking #recipe #اكل #food

Nitin gadkari ji mirchi fry recipe | #mirchifry #nitingadkari #food #shorts

Nitin gadkari ji mirchi fry recipe | #mirchifry #nitingadkari #food #shorts

#nitingadkari #mirchifry #chillifry #recipe #cooking #food #viral #trending #shorts #charliefamilyandfood

#Nitin #gadkari #mirchi #fry #recipe #mirchifry #nitingadkari #food #shorts

أسهل طريقه للكبه الشاميه المقليه من غير ماتفك فى الزيت مقرمشه وذهبيه أحلي و ألذ من المطاعم

أسهل طريقه للكبه الشاميه المقليه من غير ماتفك فى الزيت مقرمشه وذهبيه أحلي و ألذ من المطاعم

ملحوظه ممكن اضافه ملعقه كبيره من الماء البارد في الكبه
ملحوظه تانيه: ممكن استخدام محضره الطعام فقط في الفرم ولاكن يطحن علي اربع او خمس مرات حتي ينعم الخليط
فقط عند الشعور بصعوبه الفرم وللضروره ولا تفرط فى اضافه الماء
المقدار كافي لعمل 35 واحده كبيبه كبيره او 60 صغيره
3 كوب برغل ناعم(500 جرام)
5كوب ماء عادي للنقع
400 جرام لحمه حمراء بدون دهن
بصله متوسطه
ملعقه كبيره بابريكا
ملعقه كبيره بهارات السبعه
ملح -فلفل
600 جرام لحم مفروم
بصله كبيره مقطعه
ملعقه كبيره قرفه
ملعقه كبيه بهارات سبعه
ملح – فلفل
لبنه باللبن الزبادى:
كيلو زبادى
ملعقه ونصف نشاء
ملح- فلفل
فصين ثوم مهروسين
ملعقه كبيره نعناع مجفف
تابعون على انستجرام

جروبى الخاص بالتطبيقات

صفحه الفيسبوك

#أسهل #طريقه #للكبه #الشاميه #المقليه #من #غير #ماتفك #فى #الزيت #مقرمشه #وذهبيه #أحلي #ألذ #من #المطاعم

كيكة الزبادي السريعة من أنجح الكيكات اللي تعملوها هشة ومرتفعة و بتدوب في البوء ..!

كيكة الزبادي السريعة من أنجح الكيكات اللي تعملوها هشة ومرتفعة و بتدوب في البوء ..!

3 كوب دقيق فاخر او متعدد الإستعمال 375 جرام
3 معالق صغيرة بيكنج بودر 15 جرام
رشة ملح 1 جرام
5 حبات بيض
معلقة صغيرة فانيليا 5 جرام
معلقة صغيرة خل 5 جرام
بشر ليمونة
كوب ونصف سكر 300 جرام
كوب زيت 200 جرام
كوب زبادي بحرارة الغرفة 236 جرام

القالب المستخدم مقاس 33 في 12.5 ارتفاع 7.5 سم
تنفع كمان في صينيه مفرغه من الداخل مقاس 26
او صينيه عاديه مقاس 30 ارتفاع 5 سم




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HOW TO EAT MANGO LIKE A PRO? #recipe #mango #popsicle #chinesefood #dessert #yogurt

HOW TO EAT MANGO LIKE A PRO? #recipe #mango #popsicle #chinesefood #dessert #yogurt

#EAT #MANGO #PRO #recipe #mango #popsicle #chinesefood #dessert #yogurt